‘Blooming Sexualities’ addresses the big picture when it comes to understanding ones body and emotions. It is an introduction to sexual development and emotionnal life, through the spectrum of tolerance, kindness and empathy. Making sure that the future genreations get to discover the worlds of sexuality through pleasure and consent.

An attempt to break the chains of violence and abuse that too many women and children suffer from, by educating children about emotions and consent early on in life.
What is Blooming Sexualities ?
Why is it important?

In public schools in France, sexual education lessons have been mandatory since 2001 – but in reality, only 13 percent of these sessions have actually taken place. 
Blooming Sexualities is an attempt to remove the clouds of superstitions, embarrassment, and taboos that overshadow the dialogue around sexuality.
The lack of accessible educational tools for teachers to address the subject of sexual life has created room for ignorance and confusion; and the absences of resources and inhibited manners to address these questions have highly negative aspects on our development from children to adults.
Confining some of the most universal form of interaction and language, into the secretive realm of the unknown and the shameful; where ignorance can shift into violence and abuse.

Blooming Sexualities is a series of playful workshops and games that start in kindergarten to provide accessible tools for teachers and students to address age-appropriate aspects of sexual development. The activities engage the children of various age groups and answers their questions and grey areas in a progressive, sensitive, and truthful manor. Answering all questions from an inclusive view point which accompanies all future adults into their voyage of self-discovery and pleasure.
By addressing sex-ed early on in an open, consensual and non-judgemental setting that progresses with students’ own questions, the children are encouraged to exchange, question their own pleasure, emotions, boundaries, and perceptions. Creating the foundations for a consensual, healthy personal and sexual life. 



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